On the Moon Again photo Contest
Win meteorites and telescopes! Participate to On the Moon Again event !
We will invite you to take pictures during On The Moon Again event (from 16 to 18 July 2021) showing the interaction between people and the Moon and the communion between Moon observers.
It is easy to participate!
1) Take a picture
2) Share it on social medias if possible (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with #OnTheMoonAgain21
3) Complete the following form https://forms.gle/GZaz5XdBSR2Wyn858 and submit your participation
4) If you don't have a gmail account, please send your picture to onthemoonagain50@gmail.com with the following information
Family name and first name
Photo credit
Postal adress to send your prizes if you are one of the winner (street, city, zip code, country)
Phone number with country code
All the pictures will be evaluated by a committee composed of our generous donors The best photos will be rewarded with the following prizes.
1st prize - a 4.25g full lunar meteorite from Labenne Meteorite
2nd to 5th prize
Two refractor telescopes Bresser Messier AR- 90/900
signed by european astronauts and Nobel prizes with
2 eyepieces, camera, solar filter from SSVI
A telescope Perl-Bellatrix 150/750 EQ3-2 from Equinoxe Lyon/Medas
A telescope Skywatcher 150/750 EQ3-2 from La Clef des étoiles
6th to 55th prize
A small fragment (4 x 3 mm) of a lunar meteorite (NWA 10782)
from Labenne Meteorites
More information on the Contest rules